
Welcome to sneaker investor. Creating investments that are stable and long term is the focus of Sneaker Investor. Each investment has a market value that will continues to appreciate.

Sneaker investor believes that long-term assets are an ideal foundation for female investment portfolios.

Commuter Series – Storey Tarris UK – January 2024

Investment Opportunties

The investment opportunities creatd by Sneaker investor are based on a male investment model that has been on the market for more than thirty years. Sneaker Investor uses this model but adds more value to the investment asset, making it more female friendly.

Commuter Series artwork by Storey Tarris UK January 2024

About Sneaker Investor

Sneaker Investor is part of GoesWithJeans

Goes with Jeans created Sneaker Investor as one of their intial investment assets for female investors. The goal of sneaker investor is to provide the female investor with a financial investment that focuses on long term investing and the development of a stable financial base for retirement.

All assets in the Sneaker Investor portfolio have a base value that will remain stable and may be used as a core part of a beginner investor’s portfolio.


January 15, 2024

Today is the first day for the website. We are working on investment assets for Goes with Jeans. Our investment assets focus on th female investor intersted in long term investing on a monthly basis. Our current investment portfolio is in production and will be presented for investment opportunities in 2025.


Please contact us through Trefuly LTD, the owner of the Goes with Jeans project.